Test product
Create a new product. You can edit your products and upload new files for them whenever you like.
Visit your e-shop to see it. In the Pro Version, you can customize this shop.
Take this tour any time you would like to go through the application features again.
WordPress and Shortcodes
If you are using the EZ PayPal as a WordPress plugin, you can use shortcodes to place your product buy links on your posts and pages. Use the shortcode .
The supported parameters are buy (which is a product id) and qty (quantity). For example, each product can be displayed as a Buy Now using the shortcode format [ezshop buy=3 qty=2]Buy Now. This will insert a link, which when clicked, will take your reader to a PayPal page to buy two licences of the product with id 3.
You can easily generate the appropriate short codes by visiting your E-Shop and clicking on the Id column in any product row.
Context-Aware Help
Most of the admin pages of this application have a blue help button near the right hand side top corner. Clicking on it will give instructions and help specific to the task you are working on.
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